Tag: Beauty

March On

March is birthday month (yes, I get the whole month), which explains my lack of posts on the old blog front recently. All I can say is I’ve been rather busy celebrating with others / being celebrated.

A Lot of France

Been waiting a while before posting this, mainly because I wanted to nick the list of place names from this rather brilliant travel write-up. Seems like another world away now, but just over a week ago I was in the charming Lot valley region of France, or as I like …

Any Human Heart

Discovering that the adaptation of Any Human Heart (Boyd again, sorry if it’s getting repetitive) was going to be shown prior to Christmas in a four-part dramatisation series was a bit of a gift. I instantly called my Dad and told him to Sky Plus it (we are mutual Boyd …

One weird year: 2010 in review

Years come in waves, undulating their way atop the days and the months, until before you know it you have to get used to a brand new arbitrary number at the end of things. 2011 – doesn’t that sound strange? 1st January 2011 – even stranger, especially when reflecting back …

Last Friday at The Last Tuesday Society

I love this time of year: low sunshine, crackling leaves, and not a sign of the abuse of one’s senses that is the absurd Christmas build-up. I also really love Halloween (or to give it its proper abbreviation, Hallowe’en) for its sheer seasonal impact. In other words, it’s an annual, …

Eat, Pray, Love this book

Last year, I read Elizabeth M. Gilbert’s quest story Eat, Pray, Love. Taglined as ‘One woman’s search for everything’, and based on Gilbert’s own experiences, the book is the kind of popularised self-help/spiritual crossover that appeals to the specific female market that made Chicken Soup for the Soul a global …

Written on the Skin

I’m in two minds about tattoos. On the one hand, they’re art. And I make it a habit to love all art (or at least try to). On the other, they’re a permanent fixture in a world of perpetual change. And as we all know (it’s been ingrained in us …

Wearing sunglasses at night

In my industry, it’s very easy to feel like you’re in disguise. I have unlikely aliases, pen names and have done my fair share of ghost writing. Nobody sees a writer when they read their words. That’s why I find a blank piece of paper such a liberating space – …

Ten tall triumphs

When I was about fourteen, I grew about six inches in the same amount of months. I towered above my classmates, had cavewoman hair (it was way before GHDs revolutionised my life), and thought I looked like the Honey Monster.

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