Tag: Humour

Any Human Heart

Discovering that the adaptation of Any Human Heart (Boyd again, sorry if it’s getting repetitive) was going to be shown prior to Christmas in a four-part dramatisation series was a bit of a gift. I instantly called my Dad and told him to Sky Plus it (we are mutual Boyd …

One weird year: 2010 in review

Years come in waves, undulating their way atop the days and the months, until before you know it you have to get used to a brand new arbitrary number at the end of things. 2011 – doesn’t that sound strange? 1st January 2011 – even stranger, especially when reflecting back …

Off the radar

I seem to be at least a fortnight behind with my recent blogging. All I can say is that unprecedented distractions (in a variety of guises – work, play and otherwise) have resulted in minimal writing time.

Eat, Pray, Love this book

Last year, I read Elizabeth M. Gilbert’s quest story Eat, Pray, Love. Taglined as ‘One woman’s search for everything’, and based on Gilbert’s own experiences, the book is the kind of popularised self-help/spiritual crossover that appeals to the specific female market that made Chicken Soup for the Soul a global …

Somewhere Inbetween

Like a fair whack of the UK, I’m rather excited about sitting down at 10pm tonight to watch the brand new series of The Inbetweeners. There’s something about it that’s just so painfully accurate, vulgar, hilarious and heartwarming; it hits all the right coming-of-age notes and just makes them sound …

The mystery of the Kentish Town eye gouger

My commute home is generally spent trying to ignore other commuters. I adopt a comatose and defensive stance: arms folded, massive earphones blocking out the sound, eyes happily closed. If someone nudges me, I nudge them back. You have to be very territorial on the Underground.

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