Tag: Love

Kindle love

I’m a little late to the party here (I like to call it fashionably late), but I just read my first book on my new Kindle. And I have to admit it: I’m in love. A book geek to the core, I’ve been a staunch defender of the paperback. There’s …

Meme for 2011

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: years come in waves. Some high, some low, and some extremely rocky waters. This year has been a high, for so many reasons that I’ve unfathomably decided to do what I don’t usually: bear a little more soul for others to …

Love? It’s A Game of Two Halves

Almost a year ago to the day, I went speed dating at A Game of Two Halves in Bar Kick, Shoreditch, for no other reason than it sounded like a decent night out. With the night about to kick off again for a new season (too many football puns in that …

Medusas, Murderesses and the Media

Forced to sort though endless boxes from the attic at my parents’ house one weekend of late, I came across my university coursework. An English Literature student to the core, I prided myself on five-hour working weeks, drunk creative writing and a propensity for pashminas. I imagined myself to be …

Amy Winehouse: The Nice Jewish Girl

On the 26th July 2011, Amy Winehouse was cremated. This strikes me as slightly strange since burial, not cremation, is the traditional Jewish rite. But I can understand the will that her grave not be made into a shrine. An equivalent to the Jim Morrison Paris pilgrimage to Edgwarebury Cemetery …

The Glitz and The Glamour

Unless I’m lying on a beach, it’s not all that often I devour a book in a day. Usually I squeeze reading in when I can – on the tube, on a bench at lunchtime, before I go to sleep. Even though I’m a pretty fast reader, it’ll take me …

March On

March is birthday month (yes, I get the whole month), which explains my lack of posts on the old blog front recently. All I can say is I’ve been rather busy celebrating with others / being celebrated.

Bucket List for 2011

OK, so despite my bucket list pertaining to just this year, rather than encompassing the indeterminable time frame ‘before I die’, I felt I needed to get this particular list down to remind me of my goals and to have something to look back on this time next year.

Any Human Heart

Discovering that the adaptation of Any Human Heart (Boyd again, sorry if it’s getting repetitive) was going to be shown prior to Christmas in a four-part dramatisation series was a bit of a gift. I instantly called my Dad and told him to Sky Plus it (we are mutual Boyd …

One weird year: 2010 in review

Years come in waves, undulating their way atop the days and the months, until before you know it you have to get used to a brand new arbitrary number at the end of things. 2011 – doesn’t that sound strange? 1st January 2011 – even stranger, especially when reflecting back …

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