Tag: Writing

One weird year: 2010 in review

Years come in waves, undulating their way atop the days and the months, until before you know it you have to get used to a brand new arbitrary number at the end of things. 2011 – doesn’t that sound strange? 1st January 2011 – even stranger, especially when reflecting back …

Off the radar

I seem to be at least a fortnight behind with my recent blogging. All I can say is that unprecedented distractions (in a variety of guises – work, play and otherwise) have resulted in minimal writing time.

Why I Tweet

Watching Sally Bercow, the Speaker’s Wife, defend her Twittering on HIGNFY the other day made me ponder the appeal of Twitter, or what I like to think of as ‘The Pretentious Bluebird’.

Eat, Pray, Love this book

Last year, I read Elizabeth M. Gilbert’s quest story Eat, Pray, Love. Taglined as ‘One woman’s search for everything’, and based on Gilbert’s own experiences, the book is the kind of popularised self-help/spiritual crossover that appeals to the specific female market that made Chicken Soup for the Soul a global …

The Character of London

To preface this belated follow-up to my Boyd post: I did of course promise to offer my thoughts on Ordinary Thunderstorms about a month ago, but I’m both forgetful and busy, for which I make no apologies. I’ve just finished a trio of books that all happen to be set …

Written on the Skin

I’m in two minds about tattoos. On the one hand, they’re art. And I make it a habit to love all art (or at least try to). On the other, they’re a permanent fixture in a world of perpetual change. And as we all know (it’s been ingrained in us …

Oh, Boyd

Discovering a new author is like that moment of realising that someone who you thought was just an acquaintance might actually become a huge part of your life: you’ve got more in common than you previously thought. You rebuke yourself with the obvious question: “Why didn’t I see it before?”

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