I’ve been massively absent on the old blogging front recently. Mainly because some bugger / robot hacked through some holes and decided to have a content-mushing party. All my link juice, likes, comments and SEO had effectively been wiped by these blog demons, leaving The Edible Editor looking more than a little worse for wear.
Luckily, I have a magnanimous webmaster who kindly reinstated most of the content. I’m still having to manually go through each post again, reformatting the text, re-inserting links and submitting each article to various social sources.
If you see me frantically liking, tweeting and sharing posts from 2010, please join me! It’ll help matters.
It made me realise that in the 18 months my blog’s been live, I’ve written a lot. I mean, how on earth did I ever find the time?!
It’s a manageable, but long, task – so bear with me while I get things cooking again.
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