Category: Technology

NHS Couch to 5K: Does it work?

Designed to get self-proclaimed couch potatoes (or complete running novices like myself) up and moving, the free NHS podcast Couch to 5K is a damn good initiative. It’s free to download, and judging by the awful music that clearly didn’t require licensing, must’ve been dirt-cheap to produce. Oh, and in …

Ten weird things cats do

My cat is really weird. He’s not ninja cat, sad cat or LOL cat, he’s just an utter weirdo. During the time I’ve been living with the ‘mad king’ that is Pepe Bandeira Harris Spencer (yes, he’s a posh Mexican bandit), I’ve observed a few ‘special’ cat character traits. Is …

Event envy: Sony Xperia Z launch party

Jealous of the endless parties and events that the Made in Chelsea set seem to solely exist to decorate? Me too. Luckily, I have a few ‘industry’ friends who hook me up with freebies from time to time: club memberships, free fashion shows, miniature-sized food (somehow tastes better), goodie bags …

Kindle love

I’m a little late to the party here (I like to call it fashionably late), but I just read my first book on my new Kindle. And I have to admit it: I’m in love. A book geek to the core, I’ve been a staunch defender of the paperback. There’s …

Gym Bunny

I’ve never been much of a scientist, in that I really don’t care why exercise makes me happy. It just does. What makes me even happier is when I get offered a free guest pass to the Virgin Active Health Club in the City. To give a little background, I …

Bucket List for 2011

OK, so despite my bucket list pertaining to just this year, rather than encompassing the indeterminable time frame ‘before I die’, I felt I needed to get this particular list down to remind me of my goals and to have something to look back on this time next year.

Why I Tweet

Watching Sally Bercow, the Speaker’s Wife, defend her Twittering on HIGNFY the other day made me ponder the appeal of Twitter, or what I like to think of as ‘The Pretentious Bluebird’.

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